Mike Critelli

325 posts

“You Didn’t Build That”

President Obama’s recent quote that “If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help” justifiably is getting a great deal of publicity and commentary. The statement is true, but

Living and relaxing in the present

I have been through a very stressful period in my life, for a variety of reasons. However, the challenges of coping with the sources of that stress have actually changed me for the

Reflections on Mariano Rivera

On Thursday, May 3, Mariano Rivera, the New York Yankees closer suffered what appeared to be a season-ending injury, a torn anterior crucial ligament in his knee. The commentary on the effects of

“Lights Out” Health Care

Over the past few weeks, I have been to a major data center, attended a medical school advisory board meeting, met with several providers of both wearable and non-wearable biometric data collection systems,