Mike Critelli

325 posts

Being "On The Record" - April 2008

On Saturday, April 26, I watched a TV program hosted by Tim Russert. He and the commentators were reflecting on the broader implications of how an off-the-record comment by Senator Obama at a

Observations About Government - March 2008

Recently, because I concluded the first phase of a two-part assignment as Chairman of a commission created to recommend reform of the Connecticut Department of Transportation, I have been asked to share my

Reflecting On Our Blessings

As my family and I celebrate the holidays this year, we truly feel that we have gone through a rebirth from the many challenges we have faced in the past few years. Objectively,

Why the Public Wants Lower Taxes Today

Dan Henninger of the Wall Street Journal wrote a column in the December 16, 2010, issue entitled “What are Taxes For?” [https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704828104576021672925440698]This simple question triggered a thought