Mike Critelli

325 posts

Higher Taxes And Government Services

Given the recent attention to “millionaire’s tax” proposals, I have been asked about higher tax rates on high-income individuals. Whether I support paying higher taxes depends on whether government is spending those

Wasted Assets - August 2008

Recently, I saw a reference to a book entitled The High Cost of Free Parking by Donald Shoup [https://www.amazon.com/High-Cost-Free-Parking/dp/1884829988].  I bought the book, which is lengthy, and

The Decline of the Middle Class

Is the Middle Class worse off? As we celebrate Labor Day, there are many op-ed pieces being written about the decline of the American middle class, particularly the “blue collar” jobs that enabled

Dogs Can Truly Be Our Best Friends

During the course of determining whether I should invest in a documentary film about dogs, I gained some quite interesting insights into the potentially new role dogs can play in our health care

What Labor Day Should Honor

Vocational and Technical Education As we just observed the Labor Day weekend, there is a tendency for the media and for elected officials to reinforce obsolete views of labor and of vocational and

A Very Special Retirement Party

On March 18, I spoke at a retirement party for one of the members of my executive assistant staff, Connie Telesco, an event that was truly one of the most special I have