Mike Critelli

325 posts

Up in the Air

I saw the movie Up in the Air recently, and, aside from experiencing it as a first-rate piece of entertainment, I found it to be subtle and brilliant in addressing issues I confront

Pitney Bowes World Headquarters Sale

I applaud Pitney Bowes’ recent decision to sell its World Headquarters. In fact, I wish I had made it years ago. The Pitney Bowes World Headquarters was designed in the early 1980’s,

Government Pension Liability

In my last blog, I commented on a July 11 article by Mary Walsh of the New York Times on the crisis relative to horrifically large pension and retiree medical obligations for government

Making Healthy Behaviors Attractive

In the July 1 New York Times [https://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/01/business/01menthol.html], there was an interesting article about the effort of the Congressional Black Caucus to get the