Mike Critelli

325 posts
Bob Hoffman R.I.P

Bob Hoffman R.I.P

Recently, I learned of the death of Bob Hoffman, a 95-year-old Pitney Bowes retiree who served with the company for 56 years, the second longest tenure in the Company’s history (from 1939

The C.C. Sabathia Announcement

The C.C. Sabathia Announcement

One of the most well-liked and well-respected New York team athletes, C.C. Sabathia, announced that, effective immediately, he is checking himself into an alcohol rehabilitation program.  He will miss whatever remains of

Observations about Yogi Berra

Observations about Yogi Berra

Much has been written and spoken about Yogi Berra after the announcement of his death early Wednesday morning, September 23, 2015.  Yogi Berra is one of my two favorite team sport athletes.  The

The Sharing Economy

I was quite irritated by a very critical, negative article in the Sunday, August 9, 2015, issue of The New York Times by Natasha Singer relative to what she said about the “sharing