Mike Critelli

325 posts

The Easier Way to Attack Obesity

I frequently give speeches to audiences in which I talk about using Dossia to improve the health of the populations we serve.  Inevitably, I get a question about the challenge of addressing the

I Focus on Potential

The Golf Channel has just produced a wonderful documentary segment on the real Coach Catana Starks (profiled in our film full-length feature film From the Rough, in which Academy Award nominee and primetime

Sports Seem To Be Our Ultimate Passion

The Super Bowl is over, but the intensity of discussion about it and its key participants will continue for a while.  Several things have intrigued me specifically about an event like this and,

Infrastructure Finance - April 2008

On Monday, April 7, I was in New York City, and the subject of Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing became part of several conversations. The depth of the discussion was clearly driven by